Our Work

September 2020

Presentation to Congressional Diabetes Caucus

dQ&A conducted a national online survey of 5,000 people with diabetes between June 26, 2020 and July 1, 2020, as part of our ongoing study of the impact of COVID-19. The data from this study were weighted to be representative of the overall profile of the US diabetes population by diabetes type, treatment and ethnicity.

dQ&A CEO Richard Wood presented some of the findings to the Congressional Diabetes Caucus – our federal government representatives in Washington, DC – at the end of July. The data were released last week by the American Diabetes Association (ADA) and dQ&A. Our research shows that people with diabetes are much worse off under the COVID-19 pandemic, compared to the nation as a whole.

Relative to the general population, people with diabetes are more likely to be unemployed, and those who are still employed are more likely to have lost income. They also have higher risk working environments and are more likely to be “essential workers.” Challenges are compounded as people with diabetes have increasingly rationed insulin, medicines, and other diabetes supplies.

Here are some specific findings from the report:

  • In June 2020, 18% of people with diabetes were unemployed or furloughed, compared to the national rate of 12%.
  • Two groups within the diabetes community are facing extreme impact:
    • Low-income: half have lost some or all income.
    • Self-employed: 7 in 10 have lost some or all income.
  • A quarter of people with diabetes have turned to self-rationing supplies to cut the cost of their diabetes care.
  • Rationing insulin was already a problem, now made worse.
    • 650,000 insulin patients are skipping injections or taking less insulin than prescribed.
    • 3 million people are skipping blood glucose tests.
  • Currently, half of employed people with diabetes are going into work full-time or part-time.
    • 9 out of 10 are often or sometimes within six feet of others at work.
    • Only 7 in 10 are required to wear a mask at work.

Please click here to view the full deck and press release.

There is a vast amount of depth and richness in the data from our COVID-19 pandemic research project, which covers the United States, Canada, and major European countries. If you are interested in discovering trends, answering specific questions, or getting into more detail, then please contact us at info@d-qa.com.

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