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Data Snack
April 2023

Findings from Diabetes Technology in Primary Care Research

In December 2022, dQ&A conducted 17 qualitative interviews and a quantitative survey of n=281 on diabetes technology in primary care. This research focuses on primary care physicians’ experiences incorporating increasingly complex diabetes care into their workflow. This research shows that just one in four primary care physicians believe integrating new diabetes technology into their practice is easy.

The PCPs who participated in this research clearly indicated that they view themselves as leaders in the therapeutic relationship with patients – providing advice, guidance, and recommendations. But the challenges training patients, integrating technology into their electronic medical records (EMRs), and finding time to educate themselves and their staff makes integrating diabetes technology difficult.

When we dug into their experience, participants expressed feeling neglected by diabetes tech representatives, who they believe tend to prioritize specialists. Participants coalesced around a need for simpler diabetes technology and better training. In fact, over 70% of PCPs expressed an interest in receiving training, with a specific focus on CGMs and guidance on data interpretation.

Especially with recent expanded coverage of CGMs, the use of diabetes technology in primary care is rapidly evolving. dQ&A specifically developed this research to provide a comprehensive understanding of the implications for your business, and how you can leverage the potential here to future-proof your strategy.

Connect with us to learn more about this research and how we can assist you in the important work you do for patients.

About dQ&A – The Diabetes Research Company

dQ&A is a social enterprise committed to making life better for people with diabetes. We harness patient voices to drive better business results and better health outcomes. For over 14 years, we have been comprehensively tracking the diabetes experience in the United States, Canada, and Europe. We are trusted by diabetes industry leaders for our independence, commitment, and expertise. Our team has decades of experience in quantitative and qualitative research with a deep knowledge of diabetes. We’re efficient and effective; our insights are actionable and accessible. To learn more, send us an email at info@d-qa.com. For research highlights, visit us at d-qa.com and follow us on LinkedIn (dQ&A – The Diabetes Research Company)

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